Hey  There

As a Developer

I've been developing on the web for the past 10 years. After getting an undergraduate degree in fine art, I've spent most of my post-collegiate life focusing on my technical skills. My digital art focus with a secondary computer science minor set me on a web designer path early on - eventually leading me to become a developer full time.

Working fresh out of college as an interactive designer had me building the websites I designed. While I enjoyed creating with marketing agencies, I loved coding and wanted to expand my front end knowledge. I took a break from being a designer to transition to JavaScript developer roles. This is where I discovered the excitement of working at startups.

When working alongside a small team on a new product, you have a major influence on company direction and culture. There's a need for flexibility, creative solutions, and thinking on your feet. Unfortunately, most startups fail, but when you find a startup that succeeds it can be a wild ride.

Want to learn more about my professional experience? View My Resume or connect with me on LinkedIn.

As an Artist

While I love programming and being in the tech industry, I missed the painting, drawing, and art history classes of my undergraduate days.⁠ I started documenting my growth as an artist on my instagram, which has encouraged me to share my sketches, paintings, and thrifted or antique art finds.

I'm still discovering my preferred style, and haven't attempted to actively sell my pieces quite yet. Feel free to browse my gallery or follow me on instagram. All support is appreciated.

As a Human

During the day I build slick user interfaces for a more beautiful and easy to use web - during the evenings you can find me walking my dog, spending quality time with friends and family, and deep diving into all things arts and crafts.

Favorite hobbies include: Bonsai, Houseplants, Soccer, Sketching, Painting, Crafting and Pokemon Go.